Balanced Value Impact Model

DPSIR: Driving forces, Pressures, States, Impacts and Responses

The DPSIR (drivers, pressures, state, impact and responses) environmental impact assessment model strongly influences the BVI Model. As articulated by Danish scientist Peter Kristensen the DPSIR model establishes causal relationships across drivers, pressures, state, impact and responses that in turn structure the interactions between society and a defined ecosystem.

The DPSIR model itself is an adaptation of a broader framework of relationships (pressure-state-response) adopted by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, which can be seen applied in the Better Life Index (

DPSIR assumes a causal chain starting with D:driving forces (BVI Model: Value Lenses, stakeholders) affected through P:pressures (BVI Model: Economic, Social, Innovation, Operational Strategic Perspectives) related to an S:state (BVI Model: ecosystem) that records an I:impact (BVI Model: data on changes recorded), eventually leading to strategic and evidence-based decisions R:responses (BVI Model: review and respond).

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