Balanced Value Impact Model

Critical incident technique

A qualitative research method that aims to collect data from users based on the observation and recounting of critical incidents.  Individuals are asked to describe behaviours or incidents that are critical in that they contribute to the success or the failure of an endeavour. A critical incident can have a positive or negative connotation.  The observations drawn from the incidents recounted are kept track of and can be used to solve practical problems and to develop a set of general principles.

A critical incident is a separable event that significantly influences an activity or task, and thus has an impact on the person’s attitudes, success or failure of achievement. Despite the name critical incidents do not have to be dramatic or unusual just separable from other events. In digital terms the action of visiting the online store is separable from the overall institution website browsing experience and could be observed as a critical incident.

See also:
Zanibellato, F., Rosin, U., & Casarin, F. (2018). How the attributes of a museum experience influence electronic word-of-mouth valence: An analysis of online museum reviews. International Journal of Arts Management, 21(1), 76-90.

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