Balanced Value Impact Model

SMART indicators

SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timebound much used in project planning and performance management.

Indicators are the points of evidence to demonstrate that the conditions sought in objectives are met. All indicators should adhere to the SMART criteria: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timebound. See also Indicators.

The following are essential considerations in establishing useful indicators for the BVI Framework.
  1. Ensure that the indicator will, as directly as feasible, provide evidence for the objective set in the BVI Framework.
  2. Focus the indicator on measuring change. It may be necessary to define a benchmark or a baseline from which change is measured.
  3. Choose as few indicators as possible to achieve the objective. For the BVI Framework, no more than two per Perspective–Value pairing is desirable.
  4. Establish SMART indicators, considering whether the data:
    • is available or attainable
    • comes from a credible source
    • is large enough
    • is gatherable in a suitable timeframe.
  5. Do not over commit to quantitative indicators. Remember that a mixed model of quantitative and qualitative approaches generally provides more powerfully persuasive evidence.
  6. Test the validity of the indicator. Consider the question: if all these factors were true, would that satisfy that the measure of success is achieved?

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